The day started out well, and I was so happy to have my family and friends there to support me (and attempt to calm me down before the race, just like old times for my dad). I really had a hard time choking down food that morning. I also slept for maybe two hours. Something I really need to focus on is controlling my nerves!
Clearly I did not want to be eating that banana.
Me, my sister, and my eskimo mom.
Me and Dani.
The swim was great. For the first time in an open water swim, I felt like I did a decent job of sighting. It was quite choppy with a good deal of side current on the longest leg, but I kept looking up and seeing the buoy right in front of me and everyone else over to the right. My official time was 28:34 for the 1.2 mile distance. I was quite pleased with that, and got in and out of transition quite fast (for me).
Had a fantastic swim - second in my age group!
The bike started off well. I was happy to be able to get an entire Clif bar down during the first hour. The riding was a little tough with a nice cross/head wind, but I was passing more people than being passed, so I was happy. Usually it's the other way around for me. I was really looking forward to the turn-around at mile 28, but at the second aid station at mile 24, I suddenly lost control and found myself on the ground with blood dripping from my head. Not where I wanted to be. The last thing I remember was throwing an almost full bottle of water toward the "last chance trash" (which was WAY too close to the aid station, by the way). I'm not sure if it was that combined with the crosswinds, or just my general clumsiness, but my race was over. Everything checked out fine but I ended up taking a ride to the ER to get some stitches and a CT. My first DNF - I was so disappointed. My family and friend met up with me at the hospital and did their best to cheer me up! I was so glad that they were there with me. Again, like old times for my dad - holding my hand while the doctor stitched me up!
Annnndddd.....done. A triathlon should not end with a trip to the hospital.
I was pretty bummed after training so hard (and giving up my ski season, basically), but that's life. I will redeem myself! The Summer Open Sprint is up next!
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