Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Running Progress

I'm a numbers gal - clearly - or I would not be getting a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, right? Anyway, my point is that I like data. I think it's one of the things I really enjoy about triathlon and running. By looking at the data, it is easy to see progress. Everybody likes to see progress, right?

That's why the charts my Carmichael Training Systems coach, Lindsay, make me happy. The other day she sent me a chart showing my average mileage and average pace on the same graph. This told me that as my mileage has been increasing, my pace has been, too. That makes me happy. I'm working hard, and it's paying off. Today she sent me this beauty:

Chart of pace, mileage, and time per run.

I know it's hard to make out, but see the ride line for the last few weeks? That's my average pace per run. Very consistent. Clearly, it's way more consistent than I have been over the past five months. I really think it's due to the great runs that Lindsay has been throwing my way. The speed workout flavor for the past few weeks has been 5 minute tempo intervals. My body is learning the pace, and I'm pushing it. This is helping me get stronger pretty fast! 

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